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Sustainable technology for a positive impact.

We simplify sustainability in technology, helping our clients make a difference with small, positive actions for the environment.

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Years Experience

We develop software with a focus on sustainability, ensuring each line of code supports a greener future.

Learn more about Scripts Green below.

We transform technology into sustainable action, making the world better with every line of code.

We are a team of people originating from Brazil, coming together to build a new business model. Our goal is not just to make a profit, but to raise awareness that we are merely passing through this planet. We are responsible for leaving it better than we found it. Technology, in general, is the most democratic way to communicate this importance, and we are committed to advancing this methodology.

We want to teach other companies that use technology to see this responsibility in the same way.

What We Do?

We believe that every line of code and consumer-facing technology should consider its environmental impact. We are developing systems and platforms that empower our clients to understand the importance of preserving the world. Our aim is for them to feel like part of the global solution, even through small contributions. Our mission is to integrate sustainability into technology, enabling it to create a positive impact spontaneously.

Why are we doing this?

The world is warming, animals are dying, and companies are polluting. Many people feel they aren’t important enough to make a difference. That’s why we want to introduce small solutions and show that a little from each person can add up to a lot when combined. The time to act is now, and we believe that together, we can create a more sustainable and healthier future for everyone.

See how Scripts Green works


Environmental Awareness

Raise awareness among people about our temporary presence on the planet and the necessity of preserving the environment.


Leveraging Technology

We believe that technology is the most democratic way to communicate this importance. We develop systems and platforms that empower our clients to understand the necessity of preserving the world.


Education and Inspiration

We aim to teach other tech companies to view this responsibility in the same way, inspiring them to adopt sustainable practices.


Implementing Sustainability

Our mission is to integrate sustainability into technology, allowing it to create a positive impact spontaneously, making our clients feel part of the global solution.

Blog & Articles About Scripts Green

Afforestation in Countries Affected by Global Warming: An Urgent Solution for a Sustainable Future

Afforestation in Countries Affected by Global Warming: An Urgent Solution…

Afforestation in Countries Affected by Global Warming: An Urgent Solution for a Sustainable Future Global…

Afforestation: A Green Solution to Save the Planet

Afforestation: A Green Solution to Save the Planet

Afforestation: A Green Solution to Save the Planet In recent years, climate change and environmental…

Developing in Green Mode: A Commitment to the Planet

Developing in Green Mode: A Commitment to the Planet

Developing in Green Mode: A Commitment to the Planet Nowadays, it is essential that we…

Experience browsing the internet and planting trees for free

Fight against global warming. When you visit one of our partners, you will receive a notification informing you that this site is actively involved in tree planting initiatives. It’s as simple as that to contribute to our tree planting efforts.